Importance of Employee Training for Cybersecurity

Just with any type of training – cyber security training allows an organization to encourage proper behavior, mitigate risk, and ensure secure cooperation or compliancy. Simply bringing awareness to cyber security is critical to the survival of your company. When your employees have the knowledge and skills to protect themselves and the company, that is your first line of defense when going against online crime.

Unfortunately, employees are often responsible for poor security practices. Having regular cyber security training is important for employees, as they will become aware of the importance of securing the company’s valuable data. Training employees helps create a culture of cybersecurity and ensures that everyone is on the same page when it comes to online safety.

Whether it’s through an online training program, an on-site training by IT security professionals, or seminars – no matter how, training your employees and spreading awareness on the importance of cybersecurity has become and will remain relevant in today’s modern world.

Commonly known as “phishing”, these are a few red flags employees should be aware of while opening an email or communicating with clients on social media:

  • A request for sudden help: Email phishing scams are becoming more refined by using familiar sender names or even personal information which tricks their targets in becoming victims.
  • Give to a charity: Despite how official an email may appear, urge employees to do their research before they decide to make any type of donation. If someone wants donations in cash, by gift card, or wiring money – don’t do it.
  • A request that you verify some information: Do not respond or click any links in an email requesting personal information or to “verify” account information – this is usually a scam.
  • An unusual request from a co-worker: Crafted emails from a co-worker or a boss asking you to do an unusual favor right away is a big red flag.
  • You’ve won a prize: It might sound exciting, but your company would be doing the opposite of winning if an employee tries to “claim their prize now!” – don’t click the link!

Another important way to train employees on cyber security is password management. Teach your employees to create strong passwords by using a combination of numbers, letters, and special characters. Passwords should be something they can easily remember but impossible to be guessed (i.e., never use personal information such as their names, pet names, birth dates, or family names). Weak passwords make it easier for theft to occur.

In conclusion, protecting your company begins with ensuring your employees are prepared to aid in keeping the organization safe. Once you put the best practices and policies in place that promote security and training, employees will be able to avoid the risks and easily identify red flags.

The Tech Zen offers a range of services to solve your technology troubles. Each of our technicians has over 10 years of experience in servicing both PC and Apple environments. We can address your internet security concerns, provide data backup solutions, and offer ongoing support for your office to provide peace of mind.  Contact us to find out how we can help.

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  1. […] Security – Cyber Security is an essential part of any business strategy.  At minimum, exposure to a cyber threat can lead to lost revenue in the form of data loss, business downtime, and a loss of client confidence.  An MSP acting as your outsourced IT team can help protect you against digital threats such as hacking, ransomware, and phishing. They can work with you to provide a layered security approach and even help coach your own employees on good cyber security practices. […]

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